Gentle yet powerful wellness techniques
Unlock your body's innate healing ability in order to enhance your health and vitality.

Kinesiology is one of the most comprehensive and holistic forms of natural therapy.
Kinesiology uses muscle feedback as a stress monitor, to identify and correct imbalances in the person’s structural, chemical, mental, and emotional energy systems. More importantly, it addresses the communication and connection between these systems.
By correcting these imbalances the kinesiologist is able to re-activate the body’s built-in healing ability as well as identify external factors affecting the client’s well-being. Kinesiology enables you to clear the blocks or barriers so you can accomplish your goals, tap into your inner resources and feel your best.
As a performance enhancing complementary therapy, it can be applied to any area or situation in life that you desire powerful change or improvement.
Kinesiologists can assist you to create positive and tangible results in your health and fitness, stress levels, happiness, relationships, creativity, sports performance, family life, career and more.
Drawn to complementary health Erin was inspired to undertake comprehensive kinesiology training in four countries, through which she gained a breadth of experience that included more than 4000 hours of specific kinesiology training. Erin has 20 years of experience in professional practice as an Occupational Therapist and Kinesiologist.
Erin was one of the first persons in the United States to graduate with the Advanced Graduate Diploma in Kinesiopractic® from the ICPKP, and was one of only two Senior Faculty in the United States. Her training with ICPKP made her the most highly trained kinesiologist in the tri-state area. This training included learning directly from the founders of the only internationally recognized and academically accredited system of kinesiology, known as Professional Kinesiology Practice.
Since 2007, Erin has been using these wide-ranging effective techniques to enhance the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies of her clients. The approach helps her clients take an active role in enhancing their health and well-being with many wonderful transformational stories of success.
Private One on One sessions to help you resolve issues and Balance your life energies. Using a global holistic approach focusing on functional outcomes.
Workshops, seminars and retreats to help you learn new skills to gain control and create a better life for you and your family. Coming soon.
Kinesiology integrates the ancient wisdom of oriental medicine with the best of modern science to enhance health and function across multiple areas of life.
Erin Dube Kinesiology assists people in feeling fit and fantastic – from those wanting to lose a few pounds and get in shape, to amateur and professional athletes looking to increase their competitive edge.
Kinesiology blends knowledge from acupuncture, chiropractic, osteopathy, nutrition and naturopathy to assist your body to reach its peak. Benefits may include reduced pain, quicker recovery periods, enhanced performance and ultimately, goal fulfilment.
We have access to over 350 techniques to bring you closer to your goals – including regional muscle protocols to strengthen and balance specific areas of the body, to optimizing your personal nutrition plan to include only foods that raise your energy. We can also assist you to release the limiting patterns that are keeping you from your weight or fitness goals
Challenges arise that affect your family’s ability to function smoothly and effectively. These bumps in the road often have a trickle-down effect, causing unease in other areas of life and impacting other family members.
At Erin Dube Kinesiology we can assist you with a wide range of family issues from learning difficulties, and exam-related concerns, to preparing for the birth of a child, reducing stress associated with family responsibilities and more.
Using kinesiology, which combines Oriental philosophy with Western understanding, we can help you identify and remove the root cause of the issue so you can achieve positive, tangible change in your family.
Sexuality is an integral part of being human. Love, affection and sexual intimacy contribute to healthy relationships and individual well-being.
Erin Dube Kinesiology can help you to enhance the intimacy in your relationships by improving openness, comfort and satisfaction. This process also enables emotional re-patterning to release past traumas or experiences that are impacting your current relationships.
We are trained in and will draw from over 350 protocols to apply the priority technique needed for you.
What messages do you hear from yourself every day? Is it a kind inner voice or one that is critical of you?
We all deserve to lead a life where we recognize and appreciate our worth. Sometimes though, our internal critic makes this difficult to achieve.
Erin Dube Kinesiology can assist you to release these unwanted negative thought patterns or sabotage programs that are obstructing your health and happiness. As a result, you can feel more loving acceptance of yourself and implement empowering ways to think, feel, and act.
There are so many things we need or want to do every day that sometimes our bodies have trouble keeping up with us. Not enough time, reduced sleep, long ‘to-do’ lists, stress, and our own expectations are some of the things that drain our energy level and affect our ability to really enjoy each day.
Kinesiology is a tool to help you feel well-rested when you wake and move easily through your day with a strong sense of energy and vitality. Kinesiology’s unique muscle testing approach can identify the meridians that are under-energized and help to restore your body to full health.
You can also learn energizing boosters that are simple to implement for yourself to put the energy and enthusiasm back into your day.
Our work has a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves and our life. It can be a source of happiness and fulfilment, but for many of us, it is also the cause of significant stress.
Compare how you feel after a day at work which is stressful, where projects aren’t completed…to one where you move through the day, contentedly fulfilling demands.
Kinesiology is a performance-enhancing complementary therapy that can help throughout the many stages and issues experienced in our professional lives.
Whether you are starting out and deciding on a career direction, wanting to advance in your current profession, resolving a problem at work, or transitioning to a new field, kinesiology can help you to reduce the stress around these issues enabling you to move forward more assertively and positively.
Are you a musician, artist, writer, actor, performer or creative person?
Kinesiology involves the science of mind-body connection. We use muscle testing as a biofeedback mechanism to assess and access the multiple layers of the body, mind, and spirit to help clear any blocks or barriers to your creative process.
We can assist you to experience new ways to find your spark and let your creative expression and energies flow freely. Learn to integrate your right brain (creative) and left brain (logical) functions to inspire enhanced creative results.
We have all had times when we feel stuck and unsure of what we need. These experiences often signify that we are out of touch with our inner self.
Erin Dube Kinesiology recognizes that optimum health requires wellness of not only the mind and body but also the spirit. This integrative focus values the contribution of the spiritual dimension enabling you to live with authenticity and connection to yourself.
Through muscle testing, we can help you identify and eliminate the blocks that are preventing you from moving through life in an enjoyable and harmonious way. This tailored approach can assist you to cultivate self-awareness and find the inner peace for which you have been searching.