Adjusting to your life with a new baby can be an exciting and loving experience. Likewise, it can involve moments of worry, doubt, rage and exhaustion.

Kinesiology can help you as a new parent to adapt and integrate your new lifestyle and family dynamic. Kinesiology can be your tool to restore balance, vitality, and inner strength during this transformative time.

How can Kinesiology help me postpartum?

  • Support your emotional well-being.

  • Connect and bond with your baby.

  • Resolve blocks to breastfeeding successfully.

  • Clear anxiety and overwhelm around parenting roles and family dynamic.

  • Learn techniques to use with yourself and your partner to keep stress at a minimum.

  • Determine appropriate lifestyle and dietary changes for you and your family so they can function at their best.

  • Balance the pelvic floor muscles to restore healthy sexual and urinary function after delivery.

  • Resume a healthy and comfortable sex life.

  • Ease physical discomforts.

  • Learn how taking care of yourself is an essential part of taking care of your little one.

  • Embrace the journey of motherhood with a sense of humour.

  • Discover how to create your own “village”.

After bringing new life into the world your body can benefit from extra care and attention. Kinesiology can be your tool for a smoother transition into life with a baby and help boost your well-being postpartum.


I came to Kinesiology Works at the recommendation of my midwife. 7 months postpartum I was suffering from extreme anxiety and moderate depression–both new experiences for me. My attitude was to try any and everything to feel better–therapy, kinesiology and psychiatric care/medication.

After two sessions I felt immensely lighter and more like myself. My therapist was incredulous; my face looked different, she said, and the changes I was describing were “like what people experience when they get on anti-anxiety/depression meds.” Her assuredness that I seek psychiatric care changed entirely.

For me, kinesiology has been paradigm shifting. It doesn’t “make me happy” or “fix my problems.” Instead, it’s like clearing away cobwebs I wasn’t aware of, or putting on glasses when I didn’t know my vision was compromised. Suddenly, the world and myself in it, snap into sharper focus. It’s the same world, but I experience it differently and more clearly.

It is a great shortcoming of our medical system that kinesiology isn’t presented or discussed alongside medicine, or physical therapy, or surgery. It is a healing practice tailored to each patient–no two sessions or procedures are the same–and it, in concert with my own body, can resolve physical, mental and emotional wounds. It is as though I have stumbled upon a miraculous secret. Why doesn’t anyone know about this??!!
– Liz

